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Weekly Fishing Report 10/25


Striped Bass-

Clarks Hill (Thurmond): Upper lake Clarks Hill stripers remain scattered between the main river channel and mouths of major creeks. Recent charters have been averaging 6-10 fish in the 4 to 8 pound range. Mid and lower lake hybrids on main lake points and mouths of major creeks in 20-35 feet of water. Both down rods and free line/planer boards will catch fish.

Lake Russell: No new report

Lake Greenwood: No new report


Clarks Hill: Fish are in transition from deeper brush (25-30 feet) into shallower structure (10-15 feet). As the water temps continue to fall more fish will move into shallower water. Jigs and minnows will both catch fish.

Lake Russell: No new report

Lake Greenwood: No new report

Mountain Trout-

No new report



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